Thursday, September 30, 2004

J2SE 5.0 released

J2SE 5.0 has just been released.
Some highlights of J2SE 5.0:
* New language updates: Metadata, Generics, Enumerated types, Autoboxing of primitive types
* New JVM Monitoring and Management API
* Improved out-of-box performance
* New (but compatible) default Java look and feel

More details can be found in "J2SE 5.0 in a Nutshell".

Download it here.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Better Cygwin Terminal

I just searched for a better cygwin terminal and found the following resources:
* Better Cygwin Terminal
* How can I copy and paste into Cygwin console windows?
* Setting up RXVT

My cygwin.bat currently looks like this:

@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
start rxvt -sr -sl 10000 -fg white -bg black -fn "Lucida Console-10" -tn cygwin -e /bin/bash --login -i

Update 2004-09-09:
I still was not really satisfied. The colsole behaved good, but I wanted to have the same comfort putty is giving me.

Fortunately I found the solution:
* PuttyCyg
It is a patched version of putty and adds 'cygwin' as alternative protocol to raw, rlogin, telnet and ssh and is just what I was looking for a long time!

Using it is really simple:
* Download, extract and start puttycyg.exe
* Select the 'cygwin' protocol and enter '-' as hostname

If you want to directly start a terminal window without GUI interaction (as I like it) use the following command:
puttycyg.exe -cygterm -

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Apache Portable Runtime 1.0.0 Released

Apache Portable Runtime 1.0.0 Released: "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime Project is to create and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. The primary goal is to provide an API to which software developers may code and be assured of predictable if not identical behavior regardless of the platform on which their software is built, relieving them of the need to code special-case conditions to work around or take advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features." - Redirect After Get - Redirect After Get: "All interactive programs provide two basic functions: obtaining user input and displaying the results. Web applications implement this behavior using two HTTP methods: POST and GET respectively. This simple protocol gets broken when application returns web page in response to POST request. Peculiarities of POST method combined with idiosyncrasies of different browsers often lead to unpleasant user experience and may produce incorrect state of server application. This article shows how to design a well-behaved web application using redirection."